Saturday, September 01, 2007

A little bit of Tom and a little bit of Bill Engvall

Brittanie went to Hot Hair this morning to get her color done and on the way back home, stopped at the red light. That's when a girl collecting money for her soccer team came to her window. The first thing she said to Brittanie was "Did you just wash your hair?" Now she could have just said yes or I just left Hot Hair. But not Tom's child. She said "No, I'm like Eeyore and have a rain cloud that follows me everywhere I go." The girl was stunned and said "Oh. Well would you like to donate some money to our soccer team?" Brittanie told her no and rolled up her window. (I'm old...we still "roll" up windows, even though they are electric now.) The only thing missing from a Bill Engvall joke was the "Here's your sign." She's such a smart butt!

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