Update on Brittanie's ROTC scholarship
Last night, I checked the status of Brittanie's ROTC scholarship application. We were happy to see that she has been approved to move on to the interview process. It said for her to contact the Military Science Instructor at the school of her choice. We had to list 5 schools she was interested in so we put Carson-Newman, Campbell, USC, UNC Chapel Hill and Charleston Southern. Since she is in school all day, I am going to call Major Bryant at Carson-Newman and try to get an interview set up for October 5th since she doesn't have school that day. October 8th is visitation day at Campbell University so she is going there and interviewing with Major Psaltis that day. She can interview anytime with USC since they are only 12 miles from us. I will talk to her about UNC and see if she really wants to interview with them. Charleston Southern sent her an e-mail telling her that since their program is relatively new and is run through the Citadel, they are only offering 2 year scholarships right now. So they are off the list. I didn't like the thought of her doing ROTC at the Citadel anyway. They have the reputation of treating female cadets badly.
Brittanie was so excited that she is moving closer and closer to getting that scholarship. I think when she gets the letter stating she has the scholarship, she is going to be as excited as she was the day she got her new car. She has really worked hard to get that scholarship.
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