Monday, October 13, 2008

The hunt for a new job is on!

Yesterday, Brittanie went to the mall and got tons of applications from various places in the mall and came back here and started filling them out. She electronically filled out some that had that capability like Best Buy, Circuit City, Wal-Mart, Victoria's Secret, JCPenney, Sears, etc. She dropped off a ton of applications today and had an interview at Victoria's Secret but she isn't interested in working there. They have to wear heels and since she has battled tendonitis from the end of April till June, those heels could reactivate the tendonitis. With her being in ROTC, she can't have that. Plus the people who sell the most bras get the most hours. So that won't work. She needs to know she is getting a set amount of hours. Gap seemed really interested in her when she dropped off her application to them. She has an interview at JCPenney on Wednesday afternoon. They told her when they called her that they wanted to talk hours and money with her when she came in Wednesday. So she is pretty sure they will make her an offer. She really wants to work at Hot Topic. That would be her dream job but tons of teens want to work there so it is very competitive. She is going to take the first offer she gets. I think JCPenney would be a great place to work!

I'm proud of how well she has done this semester. Her grades are excellent. Her diet is going great. Her PT is coming along. Now all she needs is a job and the transfer to USC Columbia to be approved and everything will be perfect.

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