Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all of my friends who are moms and grandmothers!!

I prefer e-cards to regular cards....always have. Here is Tom's.

Brittanie's card made me cry. I HATE to cry but in this case, it was worth the cry. This card is beautiful and soooooooooo sweet and appropriate. Click here to see Brittanie's card.

Katie gave me a wrapped flower pot that she decorated at school. She also gave me a card that says "What's a nice mom like you doing with a kid like me?" and on the inside it says "The best you can mom, the BEST you CAN. Thanks and Happy Mother's Day. Love Katie." Tom wrote "I
thought this summed up Katie pretty well." LOL It definitely does!
Tom gave me a big Bar-B-Que pit (actually, we are picking it up next week). I'm tired of having to do multiple batches of Bar-B-Que because we have this cheap $20 tiny grill. I don't like gas grills. They don't give you the bar-b-que taste. I never understood the appeal of those things. I could bake it in the oven and have the same flavor. I want a charcoal grill. So Tom is going to get me this one: Royal Oak Grill

As for Brittanie, I have been seeing shows where kids give their parents coupon books that they create saying they will do this or that for them. Well that's what I asked for from Brittanie. Lisa couldn't come this week so our laundry didn't get done and Tom thinks garages are supposed to be dirty....he literally said that. I HATE our dirty garage. So for Mother's Day, Brittanie is doing the laundry and cleaning the garage for me. YAY!! That's the best gift this year!

I have to add an addendum to this post. This afternoon, Randy came by on his way back from his grandmother's house and he just stopped in for a minute. He came to give me a Mother's Day gift. It is a patriotic car magnet. I love it. I had a cool camouflaged ribbon that said "Land of the Free because of the brave." But for some reason it is not on my car anymore. I honestly think it is Katie. She is a true klepto. Brittanie had this problem when she was 5. Katie is starting early taking things that aren't hers. She was in Brittanie's room 2 minutes this morning and stole a cold tablet and a tube of Chap Stick from Brittanie's desk and came downstairs with it. Brittanie has two sets of dog tags. We had been looking for them everywhere and couldn't find them. Suddenly, Katie appears in the living room with one set in her hand and a week later, the other set magically appeared in her hands! So anyway, I'm thinking Katie stole my magnet off my van yesterday when she was outside with Tom. But Randy gave me a very nice one to replace it. He is such a sweetheart! His parents are very nice. I've never talked to his mom but I have talked to his dad a couple of times and he is very nice. Brittanie said they are both very nice and his little brother is adorable. What I love the most is that they have their time together but don't feel the need to be attached to each other at every waking moment.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

hey there i just wanted to let ya know your gonna love your royal oak grill! My best friend Vicky got one and they cook really well. They even have the ceramic grills for easy cleaning and thorough cooking. Well i hope you have a great mothers day! love ya