Tuesday, July 11, 2006

God never told us being a parent would be easy

Here we go again! Yesterday, I was scheduled to have lunch with Samantha so I sent Brittanie to get the food while I took a shower. I warned Katie (and threatened) three times NOT NOT NOT to go near Brittanie's room and definitely do NOT touch that hamster. Well I was only in the shower 10 minutes. I came out and called to Katie to see where she was. She came out of the playroom. So I thought she FINALLY obeyed. Well Brittanie got home with the food and I got ready to leave and Katie closed the playroom door. She NEVER does that. So the red flag went up. I asked her if she had the hamster in there and she said no and kept insisting she didn't touch the hamster. I told Brittanie to go upstairs and check on her hamster. As soon as I told Brittanie that, Katie started crying telling me she didn't touch the hamster. She is such a good actress for a minute, I almost believed that she was being wrongly accused. But Brittanie came down, guns blazing, ready to kill her. So I knew she really did take the hamster....AGAIN!!!! She still kept insisting she didn't touch it, until I told Brittanie to get the paddle and I would MAKE her tell me. That's when she said it was in the playroom. Brittanie asked her where in the playroom and she said, "the toybox." Sure enough, there he was....under a bunch of toys and probably scared to death. That poor hamster has had a rough life since he became part of our family.

Well I took Katie in the living room and explained to her that she was getting a s p a n k i n g (I am spacing it out because perverts do a search for that word and I don't want them looking at my blog) for disobeying me when I told her at least three times NOT to touch that hamster or go near Brittanie's room and also for lying. So I gave her the mommy justice and confined her to her room till I got home. The only time she could get out was to use the bathroom and Brittanie was to pop her with the paddle one time for everytime she got out of the room without permission and everytime she lied about having to go to the potty. Because that is the other thing she does when she is put in time out....she develops a sudden bladder urgency....that really doesn't exist.

So I was able to have my lunch with Samantha, Sandra, and Hunter in peace. We had a great time and it was wonderful to get away from the chaos that is Katie and just enjoy myself. It is a shame though because Katie LOVES Samantha, Mammie (Sandra), and Paw Paw (Jimmy) and they love her too. But she will NOT be rewarded for bad behavior. She is so stubborn and defiant. She KNOWS the consequences of her actions but she is willing to take her consequences in order to do what she wants. That really scares me. At this rate, she will be in DJJ by the time she is 5.

Pray for us!!

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