Sunday, July 02, 2006

Yucko wafers

Tom went to the store today and bought Katie some Necco wafers. I hate those things. I can't stand the smell or the taste of them so I call them "Yucko wafers." We wouldn't let her eat the wafers until she had eaten supper. Well as soon as she finished eating, she asked me if she could have her "yucko wafers." Tom told her "They are "NECCO wafers. Mom doesn't like them so she just calls them yucko wafers." Well once something is in her is there forever. So now forever more she will call them "Yucko wafers." After she and Tom ate them, I had to make her brush her teeth. The smell of them on her breath made me nauseous.

For all of the youngsters out there that don't know what Neccos are, here is a picture.

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