Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Katie's mouth

Last week we were watching something Maury (I like those stupid paternity shows...dunno why though) and Maury said "You are NOT the father." Katie, without missing a beat, said "Oh snap!" We don't say that. She must have heard it somewhere on TV but it was too funny hearing it come out of her mouth.

Tonight, we went to Ryan's (we haven't been there in over a year) and our waiter was real effeminate. At one point, she watched him walk away from our table, then looked at us and said "Is this gay day?" That kid is 3 going on 30.

We have been praying with her that she would behave and it has really helped. Well tonight, she requested that when Tom says the blessing, he ask God help her to be good tonight. I guess she was REALLY tempted. Well as we know, prayer works and she was really good tonight. I am so proud of her.

She is just a ball of personality. The older she gets the less she looks like my baby pictures and the more she looks like my mother-in-law's sister, Jeannie. I haven't seen Jeannie in awhile but everytime I did see her, she was beautiful.....dark hair and big bright eyes....like Katie. Brittanie looks like Tom's cousin, Carla....who is beautiful. So it is possible that Katie will end up looking like Aunt Jeannie. That would be great!!

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