Monday, January 29, 2007

Everybody loves Randy

You've heard of the TV show "Everybody Loves Raymond?" Well in our house, it is Everybody Loves Randy. He is such a sweetheart. Here are some pictures of him with the girls.Tom finished cleaning out the attic closet upstairs yesterday and Brittanie was so excited that she would actually have her clothes upstairs that she went to work cleaning out the closets downstairs and bagging up the stuff she no longer wants so we can give it to There is Hope Ministries and moving the stuff she wants upstairs. Randy did take alot of her t-shirts that weren't girly that she no longer wanted. Brittanie had ALOT of T-shirts. Imelda Marcos has shoes. Brittanie has T-shirts....and shoes....but ALOT more T-shirts. She ran to Wal-Mart tonight and bought a Rubbermaid container with drawers and some hooks to hang her purses on. Here is the final product.This one is when you walk into the closet.

Here is her wall of purses and some berets/hats on the hooks that she put on the wall.
Jackets.Church clothes to the left and school clothes in the middle and right.
Everyday shirts and sweats.Formals and school shirts.Her Sonic rollerskates that she got for Christmas, JROTC uniform shoes, and the shoes she wears to school.

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