Monday, January 15, 2007

We don't want your yankee opinion down here!

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US Senator Dodd from Connecticut....NOT South Carolina.....thinks we should remove our confederate flag from the state house grounds. He makes a point of saying that we should be honoring our US Flag because that is what our troops are dying for. Agreed. That's why our US flag and our South Carolina state flag are both on top of our statehouse.

What makes this ignorant yankee think he has the right to dictate to us what to do here in South Carolina? He needs to pick up a book and find out that people died for that confederate flag as well. That flag has a rich heritage, which was not about slavery or African Americans. It was about not wanting government to tell us what to do. And that hasn't changed....we still don't want those ignorant yankees in government telling us what to do.

So Senator Dodd....stay in your state and mind your business or we may just return the favor and go to Washington and force our views on you!

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