Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's gonna be a better day!

Last night, I put Katie to bed at 7pm for hitting me. Today, she woke up with a whole new attitude. Just when I thought I had given birth to the meanest child on the planet, she did an about face this morning. Normally she is grouchy like the rest of us in the morning. But this morning, she was walking around the house singing a verse from "God is so good." She was singing "He answers pwayer. He answers pwayer. He answers pwayer. He's so good to me." It was so sweet I just had to hug her. I told her I was so proud of her attitude, which is proof right there that God does answer prayer because I prayed that God would help her get a better attitude today and she has one. I told her I was so proud of her. She didn't get all that upset when I put her jacket on her, which is always attitude provoking. She is just like Tom and hates heavy jackets. Well it is 25 degrees outside right now. She HAS to wear that heavy jacket.

Now I just need to pray that Tom gets a new attitude. Like I said above, it was 25 degrees this morning. So I took my spare key to his truck and started it for him so that when he went out there, the truck would be ready to have the heater turned on. He told me I was crazy and that it wasn't that cold. He wasn't being mean. He just didn't think it was necessary. He doesn't think anything is cold because his office is next to the computer room and they have to keep it colder because of all the computers. So his office, to me, feels like the arctic tundra. But he likes it. He comes home to a normal temperature at home and breaks out in a sweat. Let's hope Zeus doesn't open a plant in Greenland, he may just volunteer to move us out there!

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