But the best is yet to come! Tom's parents are coming down Saturday and taking her to Chuck E. Cheese's and then to Toys R Us to pick out a toy that she wants. Grandma and Grandpa have become synonymous with Chuck E. Cheese. That's going to be a great memory she has of them when she gets older because we don't take her there. That's a special thing she does with them and she LOVES it!!
She was just adorable playing that L-Max last night. She would run into the living room and tell us how great she is doing with the game and literally squeal with delight as she was telling what she was doing in the game. It is a great learning tool. Katie has always loved to learn and this is just going to encourage that. It has phonics and greater than/less than on the Cars game. Plus there are 3 games built into the game console itself that are educational. This was the best toy we ever bought her!
By the way, the L-Max told her to put her name in the console and brought up the alphabet for her to use the pen to type it in. She typed "K T B" I loved that! That's what we call her....Katie B. But I like her spelling of it. Too cute!