Friday, October 26, 2007

That's Tom's child

Tonight, Katie went upstairs to give Brittanie her cell phone that she had left downstairs because she just missed a call. While up there, she asked Brittanie is she knew was "diligent" meant. Brittanie told her it meant persistent. Katie argued that it meant good. So they both came downstairs so Tom could settle the argument. Well of course Tom said Brittanie was right. So Brittanie starts telling us the story and telling Katie what diligent means with examples. Well Katie is convinced we are all wrong and she is right and she wasn't listening to any of us. She covered her ears and began yelling "BLAH BLAH BLAH 1 2 3 BLAH BLAH BLAH 1 2 3." We couldn't help but laugh at her. She's is definitely unique and so headstrong!

I have said in the past that each night, she has Tom do something different with her that involves him running her through the house. Sometimes he pretends to be a race car or a horse or whatever she chooses. Well the last few nights, she has made him do the same thing each night and if you know Tom, you will know how funny this is. She has Tom sing loudly "OHHHHH WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA?" And Katie yells "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!" Tom: "ABSORBENT AND YELLOW AND POROUS IS HE!" Katie: "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!" Well you get the picture. They do the whole song! It is hilarious! I love watching him play with Katie. He is such a good daddy!

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