Friday, October 12, 2007

Grandparents Day

Yesterday was Grandparents Day at Katie's school. She was so excited that her grandma and grandpa came down from Spartanburg to be with her. Grandpa had worked almost all night long so he could take off that day of work so he was running all day on only 3 hours of sleep. If I'm not mistaken, I think Grandma only got a couple of hours of sleep herself.

The activities at school were over before 11 and since the South Carolina State Fair is in town, they took her to the fair. She had a BLAST! Grandma told me she was riding the rides with her hands up in the air screaming....but not out of fear. She was having a blast and couldn't wait to get to the next ride. She is 40in but they were able to sneak her on some 42in rides and those were the ones she liked the best. I can see it now that Katie is going to be just like Brittanie in wanting Tom to take her all over the country trying out roller coasters. lol

After the fair, Katie hadn't had enough. She wanted to go to the park. So they took her to Guinyard Park in Cayce. It has no playground equipment but she was able to play in the creek. She was trying to catch minnows and salamanders. She had alot of fun there too.

Then they came back to our house and she started showing off for them. She was running through the house and a few times she ran from her playroom into the living room and jumped sideways onto her Carolina Panthers beanbag chair. She was so happy to see them. She even convinced Grandma to get her in her waterbed with her and was jumping on her. Katie was wide open yesterday.

Last night, we finished the day by asking Grandpa's oldest sister, Aunt Doris, to join us all for dinner at O'Charley's in Lexington. We had a good time. Katie was so cute at dinner. Tom, Grandpa, and I had salads and I was sharing my salad with Katie. That left Grandma and Aunt Doris with nothing to eat while we were eating our salads. The next time the waiter came to check on us, Katie said "Ummm Mister.....they have nothing to eat!" and pointed to Grandma and Aunt Doris. It was precious!! After Katie finished eating her meal, she asked me to move her chair back and she got down off the booster seat and went and sat in Grandpa's lap. She just loves her grandparents.

Katie took it hard when we left O'Charley's. She was worn out from the day so she didn't take them leaving her very well. She cried almost all the way home. Aunt Doris was in the backseat with her trying to console her. She started playing a guessing game with her and that helped her to stop crying. But she was worn slap out last night. It was a great day for her and a great night for all of us.

We really appreciated Tom's parents coming down here during the workweek to attend Grandparents Day with her. It meant alot not only to her but to Tom and I as well!!

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