Friday, April 04, 2008


We have finally resolved the problem with Mr. Johnson. I talked to Dr. Maddox Wednesday and he told me that he has to follow the state guidelines for withdrawing from a class, which is if she withdraws she will get an F. But he did say that he has administrative authority to remove her if she got a doctor's excuse saying that she is under undue stress from Mr. Johnson and it would be in her best interest healthwise to be removed. So that's what I did. Brittanie discussed this with her doctor on Valentine's Day, when she woke up throwing up blood from the stress she was under. He gave her Nexium and Levbid and offered to help her get out of that class then. She wanted to try to stick it out. Well she no longer wants to stick it out so we went yesterday and got a note on prescription paper requesting she be removed from the class and he will have a formal letter typed up and ready for me to pick up Monday. So she is turning in the handwritten one today and Tuesday she will turn in the formal one. So she never has to go back to that man's class ever again. I'm thrilled. Dr. Maddox told me that Mr. Johnson was told that it was not his job to play truant officer and hunt down kids who aren't in his class and that with all of this, Mr. Johnson is concerned about his evaluation. He should be. I hope it greatly impacts his review. He needs to learn to treat his students better. Brittanie has become the hero among choir students. She has been having students come to her and tell her that she is so cool for taking a stand against him. None of the rest of them have the guts to do it....or the mom to back them up. I feel bad for them but I think after what happened with Brittanie, he is going to be more careful in the future in the way he treats his students.

On to Katie now. We are big fans of Jeff Dunham and especially love his character Achmed the dead terrorist/suicide bomber. We all pick at each other at our house using Achmed's line "Silence! I kill you!" Well this morning Tom and I were talking and Katie told us "Silence! I kill yall!" She's a southern terrorist! LOL We laughed and then listened to what she wanted to tell us. It is pretty funny to listen to her talk. She talks like she is a Kindergarten teacher and we are her students....exact same inflections in her voice and everything. It is so cute!

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