Monday, April 28, 2008


When I got home from my lymphedema treatment today, Brittanie's car was in the driveway. She had come back home because her right foot was now hurting her too and she couldn't stand to put her weight on it. Well with the left one in a splint, she has to put weight on the right. So she came home and went back to bed to keep her weight off both feet. This afternoon Tom called and told me he has the virus and is coming home. I love him but I'm not risking getting this virus again. I moved my pillows and CPAP into the guest room and that's where I'm sleeping till he is over this virus. He should have done that when I had it.

Well Brittanie is seeing an orthopedist at 9:45 tomorrow morning but Katie gets out of school at 11:50. Everyone has prior commitments and can't pick her up for me. So I called Tom's mom and asked her if she could pick Katie up and she did one better and offered to keep her for a few days so she doesn't get a relapse of the virus. I'm so grateful because I was really worried because I still can't put shoes on my feet because of the lymphedema wraps, Brittanie's feet are out of commission, and Tom is down for the count with the virus.....and if he has it as bad as Katie and I, he will be in bed for at least a week. So I was worried until I talked to Tom's mom. I am alot less stressed out now.

Please pray for us....especially Tom. This virus is AWFUL and he is not your typical man. I have always heard stories about men becoming babies when they are sick. Not Tom. He doesn't want me to take care of him at all when he is sick. He is as independent sick as he is well, which frustrates me because I want to take care of him. So please pray that he will get better soon!

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