Sunday, April 20, 2008

Virus Phase 2

Saturday, Tom took Katie to her friend, Bryson's, birthday party at Anchor Lanes in Irmo. She had a blast. She didn't like being put on a lane with just girls. She definitely is my child. I never liked playing with girls. Guys were more fun and always had cooler toys. Katie feels the same way. Katie kept jumping over to the boy's lane and cutting up with them. She pigged out on hot dogs, cake, and candy. So it wasn't a big shock when she got home and tossed her cookies. But it wasn't a matter of indigestion. It was the virus I had. Tom knew I wasn't 100% better so he let me go to bed last night and he stayed up in the recliner all night long and tended to Katie, who was tossing cookies every 15 minutes all night long. He woke me up at 2 and asked me how much of the one Phenergan suppository we had in the house could he give her. I told him to just give her 1/4 of it. That held her off from throwing up for 45 minutes but then it started again every 15 minutes. Tom was charting it all night long and what she was drinking or not drinking between times. At 6am, he had looked up the dose of Phenergan he could give her and found that he could give her a whole 25mg Phenergan suppository so he gave her the other 3/4. That held her off till 10:30, which is when she tried drinking water again and couldn't keep it down. Tom had to work this morning from home, even after being up all night. I should mention here how sweet Katie was all night long. Tom said she was worried about him being up without sleep all night taking care of her. She wanted him to go to bed. He told her that he was ok and for her to call him if she felt sick. But she never would. She tried to take care of herself. But he would hear her and run in there. At one point after she had gone 45 minutes without throwing up, she asked him why he didn't go to bed then because she hadn't thrown up in awhile. She is soooo sweet when she is sick. It just breaks your heart how sweet she is when she is so sick.

Anyway, Brittanie and I took her to the doctor in Lexington whe
n they opened at 1pm so Tom could sleep. I asked him for Tigan, which is what the ER had given Katie a couple of months ago when she was throwing up. It worked great and didn't oversedate her. I asked for the kind that dissolved on the tongue, which is what she had. He had never heard of that and he looked it up and couldn't find it. So he gave her Tigan suppositories. Ok fine. So I dropped it off at Walgreens and then went to Sonic to get something to drink to wait 20 minutes for the prescription to be ready. Well no sooner had we gotten there when Walgreen's called me and told me that Tigan isn't made anymore. HUH? I hadn't heard that and obviously neither had Dr. Scott. But ok. She said she called the doctor and left a message on the machine. I gave her another number and told her to call the service and have the doctor call her back. I waited 20 minutes and since she didn't call me back, I assumed it was ready. I was wrong. So I went home and Katie crawled up in her waterbed and went to sleep. So I hopped in the bed with Tom and took a nap. We were all pooped.

Let me inject here that this is the first time we had seen Dr. Scott. He is with Lexington Family Practice on Powell Drive in Lexington. Katie sees Dr. Hicks and Brittanie sees Dr. Konduros at Lexington Family Practice in West Columbia. We love our doctors. But if either of them retired, I would definitely switch to Dr. Scott in Lexington. He was so nice and so great with Katie. She has a temporary Pirates of the Carribean tattoo at the top of her arm/shoulder. The shirt she had on was cap sleeved so you could see it. (She hasn't been able to wear shirts like that since she got that tattoo because temporary tattoos are against the rules at Grace.) Well he commented on her tattoo and how cool it was and asked her where she got it from. She gave him this look like "Are you stupid?" and just didn't answer him. I had to hold back from laughing. She is just like her daddy. But Brittanie and I thought he was a sweet doctor and GREAT with kids. So if you are in the Lexington area and need a good doctor, he is family practice and I highly recommend him!

We all got up around 7pm and Katie curled up in Tom's lap and hugged him and you could just see in her face how much she adores her daddy. Check it out:
Right now, Tom is on his way back to Walgreen's to get her prescription and get him some Mountain Dew. Brittanie went to church with Cameron and his grandparents tonight so she is in Sumter. Katie is back in her bed relaxing and I'm blogging. If Tom and Brittanie don't get this, it will be a miracle! Please pray for us. This is the most miserable virus I have ever had!

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