Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Brittanie made it!

Brittanie tried out for the JROTC Rifle Team yesterday and made it! She was so excited. But that excitement turned to sadness last night when she read the paper that Major Norton gave her after try-outs. She and one other cadet...who also happens to be on the cheerleading squad....were chosen to represent Swansea JROTC at JCAP, which is a huge honor to be chosen to go to this. Basically cadets from all over the US will go to Texas A&M for a JROTC kind of conference. Every cadet that attends gets a $35K scholarship to college. She was thrilled to be chosen to go. The dates are October 13th through the 16th. Guess what? Cheerleading practice the 13th, football game to cheer on the 14th, and the Swansea Tiger Invitational Cheerleading Competition on the 15th. She can't go. She cried. She is in a catch 22. JROTC teaches you not to be a quitter and she will be looked down upon if she quits cheerleading. In fact, if she does quit to be able to go to this conference, they will probably rescend the offer. She is not trying out for cheerleading next year so they will probably offer it to her again next year. But she has made the rifle team and Major Norton is going to try to work with the cheerleading coach so that she can do both cheerleading and rifle team. If the cheerleading coach refuses to help her do both, we are going to get her orthopedist, who is seeing Brittanie for her back, to write a note stating that she is not to do any stunting and that will get her out of cheerleading without making her quit. Because honestly, it does hurt her back but she is a true athlete and works through the pain. But JROTC is her first love. If the coach won't cooperate, she will lose a cheerleader....again. She has lost several since try-outs. So we are just going to pray that God's will be done.

The other news, which for those who know me shouldn't be a surprise, is that I'm spastic. I have broken my pinky toe on my right foot! I turned quickly coming out of the bathroom yesterday and slammed it into the door frame. It is black at the base of the toe and hurts tremendously. But there is nothing that can be done for a broke toe except to tape it to another toe and right now, I don't want anyone coming near it, much less taping it. I have an appointment with my podiatrist next Wednesday to have the sides of my right big toenail taken off so while I'm there, I'll get him to look at my pinky toe. I swear I'm an accident waiting to happen.

In Katie news, she has to be the most stubborn child on the planet. She was so much better behaved since putting her in Grace daycare. But yesterday, she backslid. When we got home, she said "I have to go potty." I said "Ok. Go." So she went. Later, I went to use the bathroom in there and saw the toilet paper roll, with about an inch of toilet paper left on it, and a plastic fake Lizzie McGuire watch from a Happy Meal in the toilet. I was furious. We went through months of this when she was a year old and putting everything in the toilet. We had finally broken her of it after months of locking her out of the bathroom. Yesterday, when I saw she was starting that again, I was too mad to spank her. I fussed at her and told her when daddy gets home you are taking a bath and going to bed. Just before Tom got home, she had to go potty again. I told her to go in my bathroom but DO NOT put anything in the toilet except a small piece of toilet paper. She said Ok and I went in the kitchen to fix her dinner. Next thing I know, I hear the toilet flush in her bathroom. She just flushed the toilet paper roll and the plastic watch down the toilet!!! I figured the toilet paper make have soaked long enough that it may be ok but I remembered my floor leaders at PCC telling us over and over and over again "Don't flush your tampons down the toilet!" I knew that if I couldn't flush a tampon, that watch was not good either. Tom got home right after that, spanked her, bathed her, put her to bed, and flushed the toilet a few times because it was obvious there was an obstruction in there. He plunged it and it seems to be ok. But she was in bed at 8:15! This morning she got up and I told her, just like I do every morning, to go get a pair of panties and some socks while I get her clothes from the closet. She just stood there looking at me. So I told her again. Again, she just stood there looking at me like she was retarded. So I popped her leg and told her to go get the panties and socks. She just stood there and cried. So I popped her again. That time she made it to the door of the hall and stood there staring at me and crying. So I said "Where is my paddle?" That's when she went into the room. I told her to hurry up. No response. She was taking too long. I said "C'mon Katelyn! We have to go." She got in the socks and panties in her hand. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I went down the hall gave her a good spanking, grabbed the socks and panties, went in the living room, got her dressed and out the door we went. She was happier after I spanked her the last time. I don't get it. It is like she can't start the day without a spanking. She gave me the pouty lip when they took her hand at daycare to lead her to where they were having snack. That lip gets to Tom. She has him wrapped around her little finger. For me, I think that it is HER fault she is in daycare in the first place. If she would behave, I could keep her at home while I work. But she just won't. I think that is what she doesn't like about daycare is the structure. They make her behave. I was going to keep her home with me Monday since I only had 2 hours of typing and I thought I could do it while she took a nap. But she wasn't up 30 minutes and was cutting up and standing up in her desk after I told her to sit down and be still and eat. Next thing I know there is a whole bowl of cereal all over the desk and floor. So I got her dressed and took her to daycare. She gets it honestly because Tom was difficult as a little kid and I was difficult as a teenager. Sometimes I think she needs an exorcism!

Well I better get to typing. I'm a day behind again. Surprise surprise!

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