Thursday, August 11, 2005

My life is a soap opera

I guess it is more like Brittanie's life but it still affects me when she is upset. Yesterday, she had a safety lecture for rifle team right after school. It was from 3:30 to 4:30. Cheerleading practice starts at 4. She told her coach that she may be late. Her coach told her to ask Major Norton if she could get out early to make practice. He told her absolutely not because if she has an accident with her rifle, he will get in trouble for letting her handle her rifle without being properly trained in safety. I told her....JROTC comes first because this is what she wants in her future. So she got to cheerleading at 4:30 and the coach chewed her out and Brittanie fought back informing her that JROTC was MUCH more important to her than cheerleading and that after this year she isn't cheering anymore. The coach asked why and said because of this. I'm going to be career military not career cheerleading so JROTC is much more vital to my future than cheerleading. It got kinda heated and Brittanie almost quit but JROTC cadets do not quit. So she just forgot about it and went on with practice. She also was able to get in a better mood thinking about the fact that Major Norton just made her safety officer for the rifle team, which means she checks each rifle and distributes them to the cadets before every practice and competition. That's a leadership position in an extra curricular activity....much more impressive on a college application....especially to West Point...than cheerleading. So if that cheerleading coach doesn't want to lose another cheerleader this close to competitions, she better learn to compromise some.

Another drama Brittanie had to deal with is typical teen junk, which we all HATE! She has known Tristen since 1997 when they played softball together. Her mom and I have been friends....not close friends but friends....since then. Well they have moved here and now she is going to high school with Brittanie. She is in Freshman Academy and Brittanie is upstairs all day so they never see each other. Well the first day of school she told me and Brittanie that Amanda, one of my other friend's daughter, was mean to her and rolled her eyes at her and told her something was none of her business. When I talked to Amanda about it, she was shocked. She said, "I'm upstairs all day. I didn't even see Tristen much less talk to her." Yet another lie among MANY that Tristen has made up. Tristen, by her mom's admission, is a pathological liar. Well yesterday, she came up to Brittanie and told her that Amanda called her a s*ut and is telling everybody that Brittanie is having sex with everyone at Swansea. First of all, Brittanie's nickname at school, according to her friends that talked to me, is literally "Last American Virgin" and secondly Amanda and Brittanie went through all of their 9th grade year together last year without a problem. Amanda rode home with us most of the year. This was just one more of her lies. Well Brittanie did what Grace taught her to do and didn't keep Tristen's "secret" and went straight to Amanda with it and were going to confront Tristen with it. But they don't ever get to see her because they are on separate floors with separate lunch hours. Amanda called Tristen's mom and told her that if she can't get Tristen to shut her mouth, she will shut it for her and that she should stop lying, especially when it concerns her and Brittanie. Misi's mom said Tristen has been told and told and told and she doesn't listen so she deserves what she gets. But Brittanie was taking it a bit more in stride. She said she knew it wasn't true. She called Tristen out to be the liar she is and she is done with it. I'm just afraid that Tristen is going to spread untrue rumors about Brittanie. But Brittanie said that she isn't worried about that. She has a year on Tristen and her reputation speaks for itself. She also said that she can't control what mean people say, only how she reacts to it. She is so mature. I'm so proud of her.

I also found out a little more on the JROTC conference in Texas. Major Norton choses 5 cadets to go. If you tell him you want to go, he writes up a recommendation for you to go, submits it to the conference officials and they chose the top 500 cadets they deem worthy to go from all over the US and foreign nations....there were 9 nations represented last year. So I told her that if it is that hard to get into, you tell him you can go and if the officials chose her, she is going!! If she gets thrown off the cheerleading squad because of it, oh well. She can't pass up a $35K scholarship which will affect her future to stay for one practice, one football game, and one cheerleading competition. That would be bad parenting on my part. So everyone pray that God's will be done in this situation.

Ok, back to my typing. I didn't get to type much yesterday because it was popping lightning all day long. I just got this computer with my wonderful flat panel monitor in February and I'm not about to risk it during a lightning storm. But it is not lightning today so I have to play catch up as Jonathan and Sarah are coming tomorrow and Saturday so I won't have the weekend to type. Joanie (Amanda's mom) is over here today cleaning my house to get ready. She took Katie to daycare for me so I could stay home and type and then called me on my cell phone in tears. Katie loves daycare and even begs to go on the weekend but when you drop her off she has the classic Tom poking out lip and sad little face that makes you want to grab her and hold on to her forever. But I know that is emotional blackmail. Tom has literally cried after dropping her off at daycare because of that face. (She has him wrapped around her little finger!) But Tom invented that face. He can do it even today as a 35-year-old man and even make himself cry. So I don't let that face of hers get to me. But Joanie hadn't seen that face before and it made her cry. Suckers! hahaha

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