Saturday, August 20, 2005

What a difference a day makes!

Last week, I asked Major Norton if our JROTC had a parade banner and he told me no. I asked him if he wanted one. He said yes but they are between $200 and $300 and they really can't afford that right now. I offered to help raise the money and he told me that he would appreciate any help I could give. Well I am a big supporter of a school board member who is now running for county council so I e-mailed him and asked if he could pass the hat at the school board meeting on August 15th to help us raise that money. I also contacted the writer of the Swansea column for the best local newspaper, the Chronicle, and asked her if she would put a tidbit about JROTC in her column and tell the readers that we need to purchase a banner which will cost $300 and donations would be greatly appreciated. The column came out on Thursday and on Friday the local pharmacist called me and I wasn't home so I got up this morning and called him back. He donated the entire $300 we needed for the banner. He told me to pick up the check before 1pm. Well, I got up this morning knowing that I had to judge a beauty pageant and I really really didn't feel like it. I'm four days behind on my typing and I should be home doing that. But I committed to doing it so I was going to do it even though I didn't feel like it. But I got in a much better mood after talking to the pharmacist. So I got ready for the pageant and Brittanie and I headed to the drug store, picked up the check, and headed to the JROTC car wash. Brittanie got out of my car to start helping wash cars and I talked to Major Norton and was excited to be able to give him that check for $300 for our banner. He was shocked that one person would donate so much and very appreciative as well. Then Major Norton thanked me for talking to the superintendent of schools for our district because he spoke with our principal and pledged more support for our JROTC program. I explained to him that I didn't actually talk to the superintendent. I talked to a school board member who brought it up at the school board meeting. I just wanted $300 but we are getting so much more in the form of financial and other support now. So I went off to the pageant feeling great. It was a great pageant and I had a good time judging it and made $25. When I got done, I grabbed something to eat and was heading back to the car wash to pick up Brittanie when she called me to tell me to get my car washed. No thank you. I'm not about to sit in the 100 degree heat while they wash my car. So I just donated the $25 I made at the pageant. The total when we left the car wash was $353.00!! During my talk with Major Norton the first time, he told me that he could help Britt get into Texas A&M and that it is definitely a school she should consider because they have the best ROTC program second only to the military academies. When I came back to pick Brittanie up, 1st Sgt. talked to me and told me how great Brittanie was doing and that he is proud of her. He used to teach at West Point. So he is going to help her get ready physically for West Point.

This was just a great day. Now I'm typing and Tom is cutting the grass while Brittanie watches Katie. Earlier, I tried to take a nap before starting my typing. I was joined by Brittanie and Katie and Brittanie plopped herself on my back and I grunted, which stressed Katie out. She grabbed my face and was about to cry saying "It's alright. It's alright, Honey." I could have kissed her sweet little face off when she said that. It was adorable!!! But I had to make Brittanie stop before Katie burst out crying. I called to Tom and said "Tom! Come beat the big one!" Katie immediately said "Tom! Come beat sissy!" It was so funny.

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