Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Ok, I admit it, I'm a nerd

I never wanted to admit that I was a nerd but I guess deep down I kinda suspected it. I mean how many people look forward to trips to Office Depot and spends $200 there when they don't even own a business? I love office supplies and if that isn't weird enough, I love politics. I have been working the polls for the local town elections for the last couple of elections. The last town election, I was made Election Commissioner...which means it was up to me to make sure I knew how to do everything right and made sure every right was done. Well John is the election chairperson for District 2 in Gaston for the county election commission and thought I did a good job so he recommended me for the county primary coming up on the 16th. I was excited. It was like a promotion. Well I had to go to a poll class tonight to learn how to do the machines and every other aspect of being a poll manager. After the class was over, John told me that Gaston is about to create a third district and that the poll chairperson for District 1 will be taking over District 3 and if I were interested and would learn the duties of poll chairperson, he would recommend me to be the chairperson for District 1 when she moves to District 3. I was thrilled. That means I will be in charge of my district even in presidential and governor's elections. That's a big responsibility and I am so honored to be chosen. Told ya I was nerdy. Most people wouldn't even want to do it much less would get excited about it. But I definitely march to the beat of a different drummer.

I have an answered prayer. Brittanie LOVES JROTC and has been looking forward to trying out for the Rifle Team since last year. Well she found out today that try-outs are tomorrow from 3:15 to 4:20. Cheerleading practice starts at 4. They were told NEVER to be late for cheerleading practice. Brittanie was afraid it would be a big scene with her coach. But she talked to her after practice tonight and the coach said she would talk to the Major and see if he can let her go a little early from try-outs. If not, just come when she is done. All that stressing for nothing. That's when the scripture about worrying popped in my head. We should not have been worried about it. This will be Brittanie's last year of cheerleading. She really doesn't enjoy it but it will look good to have as an extra-curricular for college. First Sgt said he would work with her to get her physically ready for West Point so she doesn't need cheerleading anymore. But she isn't a quitter. She isn't going to let her squad down unless the coach gets mad and demands she chose between Rifle Team and cheerleading. I don't think that will happen though. Brittanie REALLY wants to become company commander in JROTC and will be studying her hiney off to accomplish that goal. They gave them a booklet that they have to learn up and down and come before the JROTC board on August 30th to be quizzed. They have to wear their dress greens (Class A's) for that even. It is a big deal. So pray for her that God will help her to do her best.

I didn't do any typing today because I was just too sleepy/lazy. So I have to get up early in the morning to do my typing from today and then start on my typing for tomorrow. I am finally caught up and want to keep it that way.


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