Saturday, September 16, 2006

Answered prayer

I don't know how many of you have heard about the 14-year-old girl from Kershaw County, SC that was kidnapped while she was walking home from the bus stop last week. I have been following the story intently because I have a teenaged daughter. I have been praying that this child will be found alive and the story broke this morning that they did find her alive but the kidnapper is still at large. He went to great lengths to hide this girl and not get caught. They found her in a pit that he dug about half to three-quarter mile from the main road in a thick part of the woods. It is scary how much effort he put into this. It is only by the grace of God she is alive.

Here is the story on the website and there is a link you can click that will show you the interview with the Kershaw County Sherriff. Click here.

This is a wake up call to all families. There is no such thing as overprotecting or too careful when it comes to our children. Brittanie thinks I'm nuts that I make her call me when she gets to where she is going. When she was younger, she was always with me. I protected her. But it is scary that she is going places without me being their to protect her. I just pray for God to keep her safe because I can't be everywhere but He is everywhere.

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