Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Update on Katie

We got to the surgery center at 8:05 and they called us back at 8:10. They went through the preop stuff with us and we found out that once again our last name was misspelled. I will never understand why everybody wants to put an extra "L" in our name and make it Slightler. Makes me nuts but everybody does it. But anyway, she wouldn't speak to the staff and wouldn't kiss me before they wheeled her off. She kissed Tom but wouldn't kiss me. They didn't have to start an IV or anything. They just put anesthesia in a balloon and let her blow it up and that put her to sleep. She woke up weepy but that is to be expected. But we left at 9am and was back home at 9:30 and it is now 10:30 and she is back to her normal self. I forgot that last summer when she got her tubes done, she also had her adenoids out. So that takes a little longer to recover from. But right now she looks like she has never had anything done.

Thanks for everyone who prayed! It works everytime!

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