Friday, September 15, 2006

No school for Brittanie today

Brittanie doesn't have school today so she used this opportunity to visit USC and took her friend, Jessica with her. She had an appointment with the Army ROTC Sargeant at 9am. That lasted about an hour and she called me at 10:10am from the Russell House, which is like a student commons area and has tons of stuff including a bunch of fast food restaurants. She had been second guessing her decision to go into the Army because she doesn't want the Army telling her when to go to dentistry school, when to get married, etc. Well the Sargeant told her that they aren't like military universities or schools like Texas A&M with a Corps of Cadets that put all those restrictions on your life. So that made her feel much better. He also told her the ROTC scholarship is very competitive and that she needs to fill the application out and send it off in February of this year. So that is what she plans on doing. She and Jessica are both excited and want to go to USC! I'm thrilled. Now she just has to get the SAT/ACT scores to get in and we are set.

Yesterday when I picked up Katie from school, her teacher asked me what my name was. I told her and she told me that they had been reading a book called "Is your mama a llama?" She asked the kids in the class what their mom's names were and Katie didn't understand her question and looked at her like she was nuts and mumbled something. So after we drove away, I asked Katie what my name was and she looked at me like I was nuts and said "Mommy....DUH!" hahaha The way she said it was so cute! So I explained to her that just like her name was Katie, mommies and daddies have names too. Like Daddy's name is Tom (she knew that) but we call him Daddy and Sissy's name is Brittanie (she knew that too) but we call her Sissy. So I asked her again what my name was and she said "Honey." That's when I really laughed. That's what Tom calls me....always has.....and sometimes in the morning Tom will say "Bye Honey, I love you" as he is walking out the door and Katie repeats it just like her daddy. So she thought my real name was honey. So I told her my name is Lynette and she did "Pfft!" and rolled her eyes and looked out the window. I don't know what that means but it made me laugh even more. She has such a personality!!

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