Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Brittanie has a job interview today!!

Last night around 9pm, Brittanie got a call from Subway in Swansea. She had put in an application there back in May but hadn't heard from them since. We assumed she was too young and they weren't interested. Well Brittanie will be 16 in 19 days so they called her and set up an interview for today at 3:30. Unfortunately that interferes with rifle team practice but they will have to get over it because she has car insurance to pay for and has to get a job. So everybody pray that God's will be done. We don't want her to get this job if it isn't going to be the right thing for her.

She interviewed at Piggy Park in West Columbia last month but because of her age, they couldn't start her until she was 16. But she breezed through the test...just like she did at Subway. The person who interviewed her at Piggy Park told her she was over qualified for their job according to her test. Her math skills are excellent. But they told her that if she doesn't have a job already by the time she turns 16, to call them back and they will put her to work. We would rather her work at Subway. It is around the corner from her school and closer to home. Also, Piggy Park makes you pay $100 for a drug test and SLED check before you start working. They do give it back once you have been there six months. But to start initially you have to shell out $100. The job at Subway would just be better all around but I think Piggy Park would be more willing to work around church for her. Although she told the guy from Subway last night that she can't work on Sundays or Wednesdays because of church and he still wanted to interview her so that's a good sign! Everybody pray!

By the way, we have never discussed with Brittanie that she couldn't work on Sundays or Wednesdays. Of course we would want her to go to church instead of work. But we just haven't discussed it with her. She made the decision on her own that church is much more important than work and that God will reward her faithfulness by giving her a job that will allow her to never miss church. My point? You can be a Christian at a public school. I honestly think Brittanie is a stronger Christian than those kids who were so mean to her at Grace. (We also recently saw a raunchy/disgusting perverted "poem" left by one Grace student on the myspace page of another Grace student of the opposite sex. Proof positive that you can dress a person up like a Christian all you want but if there is no heart conversion, it is pointless!)

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