Thursday, August 02, 2007

My response

I was called out in a free newspaper in a letter to the editor dated 07/23/07, in response to the comments I made at the Gaston town council meeting. I won't write my own letter to the editor because any paper that would print that stuff isn't worthy of my time. But I do want to address the "man" that mentioned my name in his letter to the editor.

To that "man":

I never once made mention to or used the term "trash rag" ever in anything that I have ever said. Had you been paying attention you would have heard what I actually said. But I can understand why you didn't hear it. The people that actually believe in truth were quiet during that matter who was talking. But while I was talking there were some people who were talking over me and at one point out right interrupted me then his wife out right interrupted Melissa, leading me to believe they didn't care if what we were saying was true or not, they weren't going to listen. I said in my statement that night that our concerns for this town need to stay with the people who can bring about change.....the Gaston town council. With all of the bad publicity that Gaston is getting in the news, airing your opinion to the media about our town officials will only give Gaston a bad reputation and eventually the only people that will want to move here and live here are the dregs of society. I don't want our town to turn into that. I actually care about our town and want it to remain a good place to live. We need to pull together as a community to bring about change, not turn to the media to tear down our town. That helps NO ONE!

You also claimed that I was speaking "in favor of the Town Administration." While I completely and 100% support our town administrator, as I worked with her and know her personally and know that she strives to do everything by the book and would never knowingly do anything wrong, I was not speaking "in favor of the Town Administration." If you would have been listening, what I actually did was correct some lies and half truths that were told at the June council meeting as well as lies that were floating around town. And right after I did it, Mayor Sharpe confirmed everything I had just said. So you see, unlike what you have done in writing to this free newspaper and quoting me incorrectly, I got my facts straight before I said a thing.

Next time how about shut up and listen. Also, you as a former police officer should know better than to quote someone without getting the quote correct. What you accused me of saying was in quotation marks indicating a direct quote from me. Once again yet another LIE! You really should check your facts before running off at the mouth...or in this case, the pen! Ignorance bleeds through loudly.

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