Sunday, August 12, 2007

NO noses!

I have heard of people hating feet but never have I heard of someone hating noses. Katie HATES noses. I have been meaning to post for a long time that Katie hates being kissed on the nose. She will gross out and claims that you are giving her germs. But it goes beyond that. Last night, Tom was scratching his nose....not inside the nostril, just on top, and she saw him and said "Ewwwwwwww! That's disgusting!" She can't stand for anyone to even touch their nose around her. Tom decided to annoy her this afternoon and kiss her nose and she screamed "DISGUSTING!" Then he came to me and kissed my nose and she screamed again, "DISGUSTING!"

Brittanie has always hated blowing her nose and refuses to do it. She would prefer to just breathe through her mouth if she has a cold rather than blow her nose. I told her one day she is going to be embarrassed when a sneeze sneaks up on her in school and it flies all over everyone around her. (Isn't that a pleasant thought?)

No doubt, Tom and I have weird kids! I don't know where that weirdness comes from because we are just so normal, right??? hehehe

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