Monday, June 09, 2008

Brittanie update

Friday Brittanie went for a run to start training again for ROTC. Friday night Brittanie and Tom played tennis and she came home with her left foot hurting again. The tendonitis is back! She was mad and put on the brace again and started icing it and taking her antiinflammatory again. She is scared she won't be able to get her run up in time for school but she is going to work on her push-ups and sit-ups and get her cardiovascular exercises up so she will at least be in shape when she can start running again. But she is really frustrated right now.She started her job Sunday watching training videos for 3 1/2 hours. She doesn't think she will have any problem doing this job at all. After all, she was a cashier at Sonic. She didn't like that she had to pay for her uniform shirts...two of them....and they didn't have a medium so she had to buy two shirts that were too big for her. She told us last night that she made $24.50 working yesterday but spent $28 on big shirts. lol Welcome to life! Nothing ever really goes smoothly. But she is glad the training videos are out of the way and looking forward to doing the real job today. She is only scheduled to work today. The schedule was already made for this week so they were only able to squeeze her in today. Hopefully she and Jessica can schedule that trip to Edisto Beach one day this week since she won't be working.

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