Monday, June 30, 2008

Mushy Mushy

Katie was just sitting on Tom being usual. She was telling him. I love your handsome. She touched his goatee on his chin and said "I love your mustache." He said "That's a goatee." She said "Ugh! Is that Spanish for mustache?" He laughed and said No! She said "I love your lipstick lips. He said "I don't wear lipstick!" She said "I love your red eyes. I could stare at them all day!" LOL He worked all day and is tired and she loves his tired blood shot eyes. hahahaha She's so mushy and crazy!!

That was a stark contrast to just 10 minutes before when Tom poked the bruise on her arm. He does that to all of us if he sees a bruise. She got mad at me for telling him about the bruise and told me she wished she could hit me for telling him. There was no love flowing then. LOL

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