Monday, June 23, 2008

weekend update

What a weekend! Tom worked ALL day...till 11:30pm Saturday changing the water pump on his truck. Tom has changed a water pump on the side of the interstate in Louisiana in the big tank we owned back then and he did it in an hour. Modern vehicles are much harder to work on and it seemed like he had to dismantle the whole engine just to get to the water pump. If he weren't so cheap, he would have taken it to a mechanic. lol But he got it done for probably 1/3 of what a mechanic would have charged, especially considering how much stuff he had to take off to get to the water pump.

Brittanie worked on her thank you cards and finally got all of them done. She will be mailing those today. She went to the post office Saturday morning and came home with a packet from USC ROTC and I've been her secretary for years so naturally she handed it to me. I actually like filling out paperwork. I'm a nerd that way. So I was filling out the forms and on the last page was filling out her personal data and it asked for next of kin. That's when reality hit once again. I honestly believe I could handle her going to college much better if she weren't doing the Army thing. I'm proud of her that she loves her country and wants to serve her country but it scares me to death that she is training for a job that could one day cost her her life. As a mother, that is extremely hard to deal with. Brittanie's response to this is true but definitely didn't make me feel better. She told me that she could get killed in a car accident going to her civilian job and it wouldn't be an honorable death like laying down her life for her country. Oy vey! What do you say to that??? I'm going to support her because I want her to fulfill her dreams and accomplish the goals she has set for her life but it is a scary thing. Her friend, Aaron, left yesterday for the Marines basic training. He is staying in South Carolina but it was still sad to see him go. He has requested to be stationed in Florida when he finishes AIT. He has been friends with Brittanie for 3 years. He hugged me and Brittanie before he left yesterday. Brittanie is struggling with all of her friends going all over the place and not knowing if she will ever see them again. I told her that is how high school is and she will go through it again with college. That's part of life.

Last night, Brittanie and Tom went to see Ironman. This is the 4th time Brittanie has seen this movie. It isn't that she loves it that much. It is just that her friends and Tom all wanted to take her to see it at different times. She loves spending time with her daddy so I knew she would see it again. I'm pretty sure she is the one who suggested going to a movie because Tom is just not a movie person. He's such a good daddy!

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