Monday, June 09, 2008

Don't forget to go out and vote tomorrow!!

In case you are unsure who to vote for, I can help ya out!

Joe Wilson for US Congress and Lindsey Graham for US Senate are the best of the best! I always vote for them.

My local choice is Jake Knotts for the SC Senate. He is the kind of man you either love him or you hate him. I love him. I met him when I worked for the town of Gaston and with the Collard Festival. He is there when you need him, which is unusual for politicians. (By the way, the same can be said for Joe Wilson and Lindsey Graham!)

All three of these men served their country in the military. Joe Wilson was in the Army Reserves and National Guard and was selected for membership on the Armed Services Committee. Lindsey Graham served in the Air Force. Jake Knotts served in the Navy. These are men of courage and honor who have served our state well through the years. I hope you will consider casting your vote for them tomorrow!

1 comment:

M. Gravely said...

Hi- I was a Sightler before I married. I'm trying to figure out how we are related!
Miriam Gravely