Friday, June 13, 2008

Brittanie's college orientation

Brittanie had orientation at USC Sumter today. She enjoyed it. She had taken a tour of the campus before but it was an abbreviated version of what they took today. She actually was able to see the classrooms and library, gym, etc. She has registered for all of her classes except ROTC because ROTC is at the Columbia campus and they require an immunization record on file before you register for any class there. So when she got home, I called her doctor to find out if she was up to date and they told me she is due for a tetanus booster and USC Columbia requires a meningitis injection. So she is going Monday and get those two shots and a copy of her updated record and take it to USC Sumter. Even though the class is for USC Columbia, she has to do everything through USC Sumter since that is her main campus. Their system was down today so she wasn't able to get her ID done. So she will get that done Monday as well.

She will be taking English, Math, Music (In her words, they make you take something "artsy fartsy" and her choices were art, music, or theatre.), University study (She was mad that USC Sumter required this but it is an elective in Columbia. Basically it is to help you get acclimated to college life and study habits. I took it at Louisiana College. It is gay.), and of course ROTC. She has 16 credit hours and no classes on Friday....but she will have PT on Friday. Pretty sweet schedule! That means she will be able to get more hours at work than we originally thought.

She was pretty excited that USC Sumter has intramural slow pitch softball and flag football. She is looking forward to having some fun!

After Monday, all that will be left to do is pass her ROTC PT test and she is good to go! Her foot that was bothering her last week is feeling better this week but she is still scared to do much on it. Frank and Lynn are going to loan her a bike so she can get her cardio up so when she is ready to run, she will be able to endure it from a cardio standpoint. Joe is working with her on her push ups and sit ups. Hopefully she will have it all done before school starts!

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