Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tom in Ireland....day 2

Tom called me around 5pm (which is 10pm in Ireland) and told me he had a pretty good day. Things are just so different there. It seems that Irish people have an aversion to the cold. There are no air conditioners.....not in the restaurants they have been to and not in their hotel. They even bring your drinks to you in the restaurants with no ice. Last night a man at the table next to them ordered ice and the waitress brought him 4 cubes and he put 2 in his glass and 2 in his wife's glass. He said the Irish people think they are having a heat wave because it was in the upper 70's today. LOL (They should come to South Carolina in August. THAT is a heat wave!) He can't believe they wear long sleeves when the temperature is in the 60's and low 70's. He is also amazed at how expensive everything is. He saw a 2006 Honda Civic, like we bought Brittanie, at a dealership and it was 20,000 euros, which is like $27K here in the US. Their minimum wage is a little over $10 an hours (US money). The hotel TV only has 20 channels and really nothing that interests him. That's a fixable problem....thanks to our Slingbox. So as I'm typing this, he is connected to our Slingbox and probably watching Star Trek.

But I think the worst thing is the lack of air conditioning. Tom is a REAL hot natured person. His office is right by the computer room and is kept REAL cold....like in the 60's but it feels like 50's to me. When he comes home from work, he turns our AC down to 68 and that's how we sleep. So he feels like he is suffocating in his hotel room. He opens the window but the temperature doesn't get down to where he is comfortable until the sun goes down....which is well after 10pm but then it comes back up at 4:30, which starts warming things up once again. But he is making the best of it. He wasn't grouchy about it as he is trying hard to adapt. But it does make him homesick. I don't know what he misses more....his family or his air conditioner. hehehe

So that's the update of the day!

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