Sunday, June 18, 2006

we are in the home stretch!!

3 days left and counting!! Can you tell we are anxious for Tom to come home. Katie is so pitiful. When I put her in bed at night, which is Tom's job because he does the airplane with her EVERY night, she says "momma, I miss daddy." I tell her I know, we all miss daddy but he will be home soon. She isn't feeling well either and that makes it worse because unlike Brittanie, who always wanted me...sick or healthy, Katie wants her daddy....even when she is sick. It hurt my feelings the first few times she was sick and I would be holding her when Tom got home from work and as soon as she saw him, she got off of me and went to him. But it is something I have come to accept....she just prefers him, just like Brittanie prefers me. They love us both but everybody has favorites.

Tom and Rod went sightseeing yesterday and took some pictures but as of this posting they aren't in the gallery yet. But as soon as Tom sends me the URL, I'll post it. I did get in trouble for warning the two pranksters in MIS about the mustard. You guys owe me because they seriously were going to get ya!

Brittanie took Katie to the doctor (which is not her regular pediatrician) for me Friday so I could type. I wrote out a whole sheet about her allergies and intolerances to certain medications, what meds she was taking, and what her symptoms were. I even requested that since Katie has such a hard time with oral antibiotics that he give her a shot of Rocephin and something for congestion. Evidently, he is stupid because he gave her one of the antibiotics I told him gives her severe GI problems and told Brittanie "hopefully she has grown out of it." What a moron. Both of my girls have a hard time with antibiotics messing up their stomach. Oh and by the way, he didn't give her anything for congestion. So basically, I could have kept her home and saved that $20 copay and had the same affect. Brittanie had dropped off the prescription at Walgreens before she told me what the moron gave her. So I called Walgreens and told them not to fill it. The pharmacist at Walgreens was so helpful!! I asked her to get Katie something for congestion. I didn't know what because she was already taking Triaminic and Dallergy and they weren't helping what she has now. She sent home Dimetapp and Robitussin and Katie is getting much better! She is still running a low grade temp of 99. If she is still running that by Monday, I will take her to her pediatrician myself and make sure she gets that shot. Good doctors are so hard to find! I wish my doctor saw kids because she would be going to him.

By the way, I saw a guy on the Today show doing some funny dancing and they mentioned a video clip of him on the internet that was the most downloaded clip to date. Well today, I came across the video and it is too funny!! You have to see it! The 80's dances in it really made me laugh because that's my generation but I didn't think we looked that silly at the time. lol Evolution of Dance

I LOVED the Cotton eyed Joe dance at the end. That the ringer on my cell phone. I love the song but the dance is too funny!!

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