Sunday, June 11, 2006

Tom in 6

Here is Tom and Rod in front of a beautiful lighthouse. Is that a beautiful backdrop for this picture or what???

Tom went sightseeing Saturday in northern Ireland. They took pictures and uploaded them to Tom's gallery. There are 124 pictures. So instead of putting all of them on here, which would take forever, I'm just going to give you guys the link so you can check it out. Here is the link.

If you click on the first thumbnail, it will get bigger and then you can scroll through the rest as bigger pictures. I love his gallery feature. He is going to have to set one up for me. By the way, if you are looking for a digital camera and you like these pictures, it was taken by Rod's Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT. He liked his camera so at Christmas time I bought one too and I LOVE mine.

They went to a McIlhenny Castle. Anyone recognize that name? I'll give you a hint.....
That's right! It's the same family. If I'm not mistaken, I think Tom told me the the McIlhenny son left the castle and went to Louisiana and created Tabasco! Is that cool or what? I can't imagine growing up without Tabasco. It is like a religion in Louisiana. (By the way, this picture wasn't taken in Ireland. Brittanie took this picture when they toured the Tabasco plant over spring break this year. That bottle is a computer. That's Tom next to it. To give you a perspective on how tall it is....Tom is 6ft 2in.)

He said one of the guys from Ireland that came here to train, John, took them sightseeing with his wife and 4-month-old daughter. Tom had told me before he left that John was a nice guy. He has met his wife now and thinks the same of her. He couldn't get over how adorable their baby was. We love babies. It is when they grow up that they get annoying. lol

He and Rod are really struggling with the lack of cold...even the refrigerators are barely cold. I think the first thing he is going to do when he lands in America is get an ice cold Mountain Dew (They can't seem to find any Pepsi products there. Sounds like my kinda country!)

By the way, Rod gave me permission to post the story that I found so funny. I guess I found it funny because I say things all the time without thinking it through. Anyway, Rod and Tom were talking to the guys in Ireland that they are working with and I don't know what they were talking about but Rod said "treated like a redheaded step child." I found that hilarious because Ireland is known for their redheads (although Tom said there aren't really an over abundance of redheads as is the perception). The guys from Ireland just looked at them and said "Is that an American expression?" LOL

Tom has been working so much that he really hasn't had time to think about missing us. Well he wasn't working yesterday and when he called, I could hear it in his voice that he is homesick. I had mentioned that we had never been apart this long. He reminded me that when my dad died, I stayed with my mom in Louisiana for 3 weeks. I had forgotten about that because I was in autopilot mode doing what I had to do to settle dad's business and taking care of my mom. But I do remember the last week I was there was the worst because things were all done and the homesickness hit me hard. In my case, I called Tom and he came and picked me up. Unfortunately, he can't do that. I feel for him. But hopefully they will get everything done and never have to go back and now he can say he has been to Ireland. That's so cool!!

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