Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Update on Tom

I haven't updated in a couple of days because of the election. I'm a poll manager for Gaston District #2 so Monday I had to get the machines and Tuesday was a LONG day. I was only able to talk to Tom for a short while Monday because he was exhausted and Tuesday they were having problems getting calls through to the I was at the polls until 8pm.....which is 1am in Ireland. But I talked to him today and he said he and Rod worked really late yesterday and because of that all of the restaurants were closed when they left work. So they went by a store and got sandwich stuff. They bought a tube of English Mustard because it was small and inexpensive and that's all they really needed. When they got back to the hotel, they made their sandwiches and Rod took a bite of his first. Tom said he made a face like a little kid would make when they ate spinach for the first time. Tom thought he was exaggerating so he bit into his and he quickly realized Rod wasn't exaggerating with the face he was making. He said the mustard tasted like gasoline or turpentine. He said it made like fumes up your nose. hahaha He said there are things that he won't eat but he can understand other people sweet potatoes. But he said he can't imagine ANYONE wanting to eat that mustard. I can't wait till he gets home with it so we can check it out. (By the way, let that be a warning to the two pranksters in MIS....he's bringing it home!!)

Tom's parents kept Katie for me so I could do my election stuff and they had her from Sunday afternoon until tonight (Wednesday). She came back with a new shirt (Grandma loves buying clothes for her granddaughters....always has!) and telling me what a great time she had. That's nothing new because she LOVES going to Grandma and Grandpa's house. I really appreciated them keeping for me. It made it so much easier for me to get all of my election stuff done without having to worry about what she was getting into when I wasn't looking. They take her to Chuck E. Cheese's just about everytime they have her because they know how much she LOVES it! This time was no exception. She had a blast at Chuck E. Cheese's. She also enjoyed herself at their house, riding the golf cart, petting the dogs next door, and just spending time with Grandma and Grandpa. My girls are lucky to have grandparents who love them so much!!

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