Thursday, June 22, 2006

Tom is home!!

Tom's flight got in at 9:15 last night. I got there at 8:50 and was driving around until that time. I was running low on gas and decided to park and wait for him to call me. Well I forgot that Tom never learned my cell phone number. I called home at 9:30 and asked Brittanie if her dad had called because he wasn't in yet. Well I decided to go get gas so I could ride around some more. When I passed again, he still wasn't outside. Well evidently he had just went inside to call me. Needless to say, he was a little warm when I finally picked him up.....after waiting 40 minutes. Blame it on the Taliban because had they not bombed the towers, I would have been able to park against the airport and he would have seen me immediately. (Sounding like a democrat blaming everyone but myself. LOL) But he got over that soon enough and was thrilled to be home. We cooked jambalaya from scratch for him. He ate a little bit but his stomach was still on Ireland time so to him, he was eating at 3am....even though it was only 10pm. He unpacked our souvenirs and we gave him his Father's Day gift.....a Carolina Panthers steering wheel cover. He bought Brittanie a stuffed bear that said "Ireland" on it....Brittanie collects teddy bears. He bought Katie this cool sheep purse. He said he saw LOTS of sheep while in Ireland so he just had to get that for her. She loves it. He bought me a snow globe with sheep on it. I collect snow globes. It is so cute. He bought Randy a hat with "Ireland" on the front and an Irish flag on the side. And he bought Brittanie's best friend, Miranda, a shot glass that has Ireland on the front and then a clear circle above the word "Ireland" and you can see the Irish flag through the circle. Miranda collects shot glasses and I think she is going to love this one!!

We slept until 11am this morning. It is so wonderful having him home. This morning he got up and told us some stories. He really likes the staff in Ireland. He said one of the engineers there, named Mark, kept them laughing and he really liked him. He was telling us the police there have no guns. Can you imagine??? That's like a security guard. They went to the dog track in Donegal and he brought back the program. There is an ad in the program that says "Lifford Greyhound Stadium. We don't mind children, we expect parents to!" I LOVE that!! I think I am going to make a sign like that for our house. That would offend liberal Americans who prefer to let their kids run wild and make us put up with it. I'm not a liberal American and thought it was great! He also told us about him getting an extra search in London. Guess they thought he looked like a Taliban or something. LOL But he carried that heavy laptop around so much yesterday that last night he had striped bruises on his shoulder from the strap.

But we love having him home!! We didn't tell Katie he was coming home last night. I went by myself to pick him up and when I got home, I came in first then he walked in. Katie was in the playroom and Tom stood at the door of her playroom, not saying anything, just looking at her. She turned around with arms full of toys, saw him and dropped everyone of them and ran up and hugged his leg. He stooped down to give her a hug and she said "Oh daddy I missed you!" It was soooooo sweet! She was stuck to him like glue the rest of the night and even today!

So that's our update. I have a tracker on my blog and noticed that I had loyal readers checking several times today waiting for an update so I thought I better get one done. Can't keep my fans waiting. hehehe

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