Monday, June 12, 2006

Tom in 7

Tom worked some today and did a little bit of sight seeing but forgot the camera. I'm a little fuzzy on the time frames but he and Rod did have a meal with the other Ireland guy that was in Orangeburg training but are now home. His name is Dermott (I believe that is how you spell it?) . When they were down here, Tom mentioned how much he liked Dermott because he was so talkative and outgoing. John and Dermott and their wives have really opened their homes to Tom and Rod and made them feel welcome in Ireland. These ladies obviously are good cooks too because he has told me how delicious their food was. But just like John, Dermott has a beautiful baby girl. Dermott's baby is about a year and a half old and reportedly doesn't like men....other than her daddy. Well she warmed up to Tom. They were quite surprised that she took such a liking to Tom. That doesn't surprise me. Children always love Tom. Tom is a wonderful father. He gets that from his dad. My father-in-law is a wonderful father, grandfather, and father-in-law. My girls have always adored my father-in-law from day one. I can't tell you how many children over the years have become attached to Tom. For you guys that work with Tom and are reading this, bet you didn't know that about him, huh? He seems so gruff and "matter of fact" but there is definitely another side to him and that's the side that he shows us at home and kids also get to see.

Anyway, I'm hoping he gets recipes from John and Dermott's wife so I can cook that stuff. He loved it and it sounds delicious! The funniest thing he said today was that everyone drinks either coffee or hot tea after meals. Well Tom doesn't like coffee. He kinda wanted to try the hot tea but he was afraid of looking "girly" because you know in America, drinking hot tea is a woman thang. Well when Dermott's wife offered them coffee or tea after their meal and Dermott said he would like tea, Tom accepted tea too. He figured if Dermott drinks it, it isn't girly. hehehe But I still had to pick at him about it.....wondering if he lifted his pinky. hehehe I miss giving him a hard time!

They are planning on going back to the same place they went today and will take pictures then. I'll post more pictures as I get them!

By the way, you Zeus guys....if I'm spelling Dermott's name wrong, please let me know so I can correct it. Just email me at

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