Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Brittanie's job

Brittanie is loving her job at Subway!! Last week we were a little worried as she was only scheduled to work two days, one of which was Wednesday. Since she said at hire she wouldn't work Wednesdays because she goes to church, she ended up only working one day on this pay period, which was last night. We were worried because working one day a week won't get the car insurance paid so she would have to get another job if that is what her schedule would continue to be like. Well she was told last night that they had a bunch of new hires that needed training and that's why her hours were cut last week. But last night she received her new schedule that starts tomorrow and she will be working 18 hours in the next week. Now that's what she needs! She called me while she was mopping the bathrooms (can't get her to do that at home!) and she was so happy with all the hours she was given and really excited that she wouldn't have to quit her job because she loves it.

She made us laugh with the little stories. What I found interesting is what people call things. Like she had a customer refer to black olives as "intertubes." HUH? I have NEVER in my 37 years of living heard anyone call black olives intertubes. She said customers also refer to the white bread as "American" bread. Technically it is Italian bread but whatever. When I order from there, I just say "on white" and they know what I mean. But I have never heard it called "American" bread before. But in Louisiana it is called Po-boy bread. So every area has their own vocabulary. (By the way, my mom still refers to subs as matter where you buy them from or what is on them....they are po-boys.)

But we prayed about this job and God blessed her with a good job that she enjoys!! She is truly blessed. Now we are praying that her boss will let her off of work the week after Christmas so we can go to Louisiana! I miss my little sisters and my nieces and nephew and of course my mom.

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