Friday, October 27, 2006

Cautiously optimistic

Thursday, I let Brittanie get out of school early to go on a job interview at Sonic in West Columbia. She didn't have an appointment. It was first come, first interviewed and they were only interviewing from 2 to 5. So she showed up there at 2 and got the job. The next person that came up was told they were only hiring one person that day and Brittanie got there first. So it was worth it! Anyway, she is going to be making 20 cents more an hour than she was at Subway. They will start her out at 15 hours a week until she is fully trained and then move her up to 20, which is what she needs. She starts on Monday. It is basically the same or khaki pants, polo and visor. She won't be a carhop. She will be working inside, which is great since it is about to get cold. I've talked to the owner several times over the years. He is a softball coach at Mineral Springs and always let Brittanie's teams have car washes and even stand in their drive thru with a bucket accepting donations. He was always nice to me. I've even been there when he was working the drive thru and was very nice then too. I really hope this works out. I want Brittanie to have positive working experiences.

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