Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I have the best husband in the world!!!

Tom is such a GREAT daddy. Katie has been sick since Sunday. She is a daddy's girl and he LOVES it. He basically took care of her while he was awake Sunday. When he went to bed, I stayed up all night to type and check on her. He called several times Monday to check on her. When he got home, he took her from my arms and held her till he put her to bed at 10pm. Yesterday morning we heard that dreaded puke sound and he sprang out of bed, scooped her up and brought her to me. He then stripped the sheets off the bed and put them washing. Then he got in bed with me and Katie and 15 minutes later she sat up and he said "do you need to throw up?" She said yes and before I could move he scooped her up and ran her into our bathroom, she did her thing and he wiped her face and put her back in bed with me. He went around the bed and grabbed his clothes to get dressed and she went and stood in front of him and she got sick his hands! He cleaned his hands and told me he was calling in sick that day because he handles puke better than me. I don't know about better but he is definitely faster. She got sick one more time and we gave her medicine to stop that and she sat on his lap watching Veggie Tales first then Blues Clues. He was eating it up that she was glued to him like that. It is a rare thing because she is so hyper when she is healthy that she doesn't sit still even when she is sitting on you so you can't usually enjoy her sitting on you. But how many men, who aren't single fathers, would actually take off work to care for a puking child? He is awesome! I'm so blessed!!!

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