Friday, October 06, 2006

Governor Sanford's "tar baby" comment

The people who are attacking Gov. Sanford for his comment about dancing with a tar baby, need to pick up a book. This attack on the governor is embarrassing for the state of South Carolina because it shines a bright light on the fact that we aren't well read enough to realize that he was making literary reference. These people need to read a book and stop looking for reasons to be offended. I read the comment to my 16-year-old daughter and she knew immediately that he was making reference to a story about Brer Rabbit. Now if she knew it immediately, why didn't the critics know?

Democratic State Senator Robert Ford said, "I don't want an apology," he says. "I try to watch what I say, I chose my words. Sanford is supposed to be the smartest governor in the history of America. He has enough words in his vocabulary to use other terms. He doesn’t have to use that."

Sanford showed his intelligence when he made this literary reference. But less intelligent people like Senator Ford don't have the mental capability to appreciate or understand it.

Bottom line for the a book or at least google it before you go off ranting and making yourselves look ignorant and illiterate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Tar baby" is not always a racial reference. The story has made a lengendary example of something which is easy to get into, but impossible to get out of.

Those who chose to see race in a comment, without looking at it's obvious context, are the ones injecting race into an issue.

Then again, I'd be interested in knowing what Senator Ford's connection with the Moore campaign is ...