Friday, October 20, 2006

Count on WIS....unless you are in Gaston or Swansea

For years we have noticed that WIS really doesn't cover our area well. WLTX is more than happy to come out here and do reports. Well today there was a bomb threat at Swansea High School. Brittanie called me and told me they were in lockdown for an hour while police and bomb dogs searched the building. Parents were outside frantic and trying to get their kids out of that building but weren't allowed in until the lockdown was over. When something like this happens, you can count on rumors. I wanted to know the truth. I called WLTX and they said they are investigating and will air their findings tonight. I called WIS and they told me they are aware of the situation but it won't be on the air. REALLY? Why is that? Is this not news for WIS? With all the children bringing weapons to school in our area and the shootings at other schools around the country, you don't think a bomb threat in a little town like Swansea, where things are normally so quiet, is news? I never cared for WIS anyway. From the minute I moved here, I have noticed the lack of coverage our area receives by WIS. Then when I started working with the Collard Festival that's when I started seeing who cares about the people of our area. WLTX was always interested in our festival, in our area, and in our citizens. That's why my loyalty has always been, and will continue to be, with WLTX.

I won't post any rumors in regards to what happened at Swansea High School today. But when I see on WLTX tonight during the newscast or see it on their website (which I check SEVERAL times a day), I will post it here and let everyone know what they found out.

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