Monday, October 09, 2006

Katie update

I was having some stomach problems today so Brittanie took Katie to the doctor for me. The doctor did a rapid strep test on her and it came back negative. So she ran a CBC and it indicated a bacterial infection. Brittanie took the finger prick for the CBC worse than Katie did. Brittanie HATES that. Katie just said "Ouch!" But she really cried when the nurse gave her the Rocephin shot in the leg. I have to take her back for a follow-up on Wednesday. She is still running fever tonight. We are still having to give her alternating Tylenol and Advil every two hours. Hopefully she will be better tomorrow. Tomorrow is make-up picture day at Grace. She obviously can't go to school because she is contagious but her pictures were horrendous (not the photographer's fault) and I paid $40 for them. I want some good pictures! So unless she is really not feeling well in the morning, Tom is going to run her in to have her picture made and then bring her back home to me.

Tonight, I had some fun with Brittanie. I told her to go check the mailbox at the road and she claimed she was scared. So I got in her car and we drove down to the end of the driveway to check the mail. There was nothing in the box. I saw she was low on gas so I told her to drive to the gas station and put gas in her car. Well she argued with me that she didn't have auxillary power in her car. I told her that with most foreign cars, you turn the key forward, not backwards like my van. She didn't believe me. So I showed her and she was so convinced that when she opened the door the radio would stop. Well it didn't stop. So I had a good laugh at her because she just thinks she is so much smarter than me. Well she got out of the car to pump the gas and left the key in so I could listen to the radio. So I locked her out. She laughed and begged to be let back in after she finished pumping the gas. She turned her back to me and I unlocked the door but she didn't realize it. She decided to clean the windshield since she was outside of the car anyway. Well I took that opportunity to squirt her, which also turned on the windshield wipers. I did that a couple of times and then let her finish cleaning then entire window. She was so proud of how good it looked. She walked around the car to put the squeegee back in the bucket and I squirted the washer fluid again, messing up her perfect windshield. Well we went to the post office and checked the mail there, drove home, and when we parked, Brittanie locked the doors to her car. Unlike my van, you can't open the passenger door when it is locked. Everytime I would try to unlike it and grab the handle, she would lock it again. So I grabbed her keys out of the ignition and threw them in the yard. She finally let me out of the car and was laughing about me locking her out of her car and her locking me in her car. I said "Yeah well let's see how ya like it when I lock you out of the house." But she beat me to the door before I could do that. Tom told me I was acting like a teenager. It was fun. I don't get much fun time with Brittanie. Between school, her job, her rifle team, drill team, and her boyfriend, she is spread pretty thin. It was good to have some time with her.

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