Friday, December 08, 2006

4 more days!!

Tom will be home in 4 days and I can't wait. I'm just not cut out to be a single parent. Yesterday I was so tired that Katie and I went to bed at 6:30pm. We got up for a half hour after Brittanie got home from work and went right back to bed and got up at 7am. Brittanie told me that she needed gas last night but once again forgot her debit card at home. I hate it when she does that and she does it alot! grrrrrr So she had to come home on fumes and she said the car was bucking when she got in the driveway. I thought she was being dramatic as so many teenagers are. Well this morning I actually got an early start because of all the sleep I had the night before. I got up at 7am, started my van (It was 25 degrees this morning!), got Katie dressed and was out of here at 7:20am. Well at 7:30, Brittanie called me and told me the battery on her car was dead. I told her I think the jumper cables are in Tom's truck at the airport. I told her to ask Randy to pick her up and take her to school and I would call AAA to come out and jump her off so she could take it to work tonight. After I hung up with her, I remembered her telling me the car was bucking last night. So I called her back and asked her if the car would try to turn over or would it just go "click." She said it would turn on but then immediately turn off. Obviously that isn't the battery! That means she has no gas. Anyone know where I can buy a manual "Car Basics for Dummies?" I immediately thanked God for getting her home safe and sound last night because He gave her enough gas to get home last night. I am so glad I didn't have to go out at 10pm last night and try to find one of our many gas cans in that utility room in the garage, and rescue her. And last night would have been a horrible night to break down since it was in the 20's! God is truly good even we do stupid things!

I fussed at her and I truly hope this is the last time it happens. Tom and I ran out of gas all the time when we lived in Gramercy. It wasn't that we didn't have the money to put gas in. It was that we were always running late and didn't want to take the time to get gas. Luckily we always ran out of gas in Gramercy on the way to the pump. What's funny is that our preacher always seemed to be around when we ran out of gas. He would see us walking, pick us up, laugh that we once again were out of gas, and take us back to our car. It only happened to me once. Tom did it often. He still pushes it to the last minute in his truck. But that is one thing I don't want Brittanie to get from us! I told her that she BETTER keep that debit card in her wallet. At this time of the year, if it fell out of her pocket, thieves would love to use her card to buy Christmas presents.

But anyway, I can't wait for Tom to get home!! It is rough without him. I missed his call Wednesday and was so happy to hear his voice yesterday. Katie asks me every morning where daddy is. I tell her he is still in Ireland and she says "Ohhhh 9 days is a LONG time!" But we are down to 4 and counting. YAY!!

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