Sunday, December 24, 2006


I have a couple of cute stories about Katie to share. There is never a dull moment with her!

Last night, Tom picked up our birthday cake for Jesus from the grocery store. When he got it home, she asked Tom who the cake was for. He told her since it is Jesus' birthday, we had to have a birthday cake for Jesus. She replied "He's not going to eat it! He's up in the air!" So he was telling me this story this morning and Katie said "He's not going to eat it! You will see!"

Tom and Katie had been wrestling and he would grab her and hold her tight with her back against his chest and his arms around her so she couldn't get away. He would then laugh because she couldn't get away. A little while later, after she had gotten away from him, he was laying on his stomach and she jumped on his back and yell "HA HA! Who's laughing now!!"

She's 42 pounds personality!

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