Monday, December 04, 2006

He made it!

Tom called me this morning to let me know that he made it to Ireland safe and sound. Of course they went by the plant before settling into the hotel. Tom is a compulsive work-a-holic! But he called me at 5:40pm there. He said the restaurant in the hotel opens at 6 and they were going to grab a bite to eat and then go to bed and get some sleep. He's been up for over 30 hours since he didn't sleep on the plane. But the traveling part, which is what he really hates, went smoothly. That's an answered prayer! He took Brittanie's camera with him and hopefully I will get some pictures soon. I'd love to see a picture of the plant with the company sign up but Tom is big on protecting the privacy of his company so I won't hold my breath on that one.

But anyway, I will keep all my readers updated on Tom's trip to Ireland as we have something to report.

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