Wednesday, December 13, 2006

How much would you pay for dinner with Govenor Blanco?

A personal dinner with Gov. Kathleen Blanco could be within anyone’s grasp after a meal at the Governor’s Mansion sold for $1 in Monroe, LA.

In what amounts to a “bad joke gone awry,” the Monroe Chamber of Commerce’s annual holiday fundraiser featured a live auction with the last item up for bid being a dinner with the governor.

The meal sold to the first bidder, Monroe banker Malcolm Maddox, said Sue Edmunds, chamber president.

Edmunds said it is a big embarrassment after Blanco generously offered the donation. “We are deeply apologetic,” Edmunds said. “This is not a reflection of our chamber or our membership.”

Maddox has since written an apology and changed the donation to $1,000.


I wouldn't pay a penny to sit in front of that woman but I hope the man who changed his $1.00 donation to $1000 at least gets his money's worth and tells her that the disaster in New Orleans was NOT President Bush's was HERS! But the fact that it went for $1.00 shows how much people in upstate Louisiana think of their governor. I feel for upstate Louisiana residents. They are outnumbered by staunchly Democrat Cajuns, most of whom don't even know why they are Democrat and will give you the ignorant comeback about Republicans not caring about the poor and taxing them to death. If they would actually get informed they would see that Democrats raise taxes, Republicans lower taxes. But you will never get them to believe that. Their ancestors were always Democrat and that's the way they will always vote. They don't realize the Democratic party has changed drastically since the Kennedy administration. Until they do realize that this is not their great great great grandfather's same Democratic party, the citizens of Louisiana are doomed to remain poor and taxed to death.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Bobby Jindel will run again..A lot of people are pretty excited and relieved! (Lynette, you know who this is..LOL)