Saturday, December 23, 2006


I mentioned in a previous post that Brittanie's manager told her she would be getting a raise. Well she is now making 65 cents more an hour but it won't take effect until her next check. To show their appreciation for everyone who works on Christmas day, they all make a dollar more an hour that day, plus $20 cash. With her raise and the extra hours she has been getting lately, she is looking forward to a huge paycheck next time!

Katie and Brittanie were, once again, fighting and Katie screamed and Tom fussed at her. Katie said "But she started it!" A minute later, Brittanie started with her again and once again Katie screamed and got fussed at by Tom. This time, Katie said "She started it and I don't care who started it, I'm going to finish it!" You just never know what she is going to say next! lol

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