Sunday, December 10, 2006

Movie review

I don't normally do this but I feel like writing movie reviews today.

Last night when Brittanie came home from work, she was dying to watch "Pirates of the Carribean 2, Dead Man's Chest" and wanted me to watch it with her. She loves the Pirates of the Carribean movies and Johnny Depp. I have never ever understood the appeal of Pirates of the Carribean. Last night while I was watching POC2, I figured out why I don't like these movies. You HAVE to focus and listen intently throughout the movie or you are completely lost. I have ADD so watching a movie like this is torture. Brittanie went to see POC2 with our friends' daughter, who also has ADD, and she was lost through this movie too. So it isn't just me! But even if I took my Ritalin and sat down to watch it, I wouldn't like it. The British accent has always been annoying to me. The lack of hygiene grosses me out and in POC2, Davy Jones was a huge Octopus looking guy and his tentacles on his face moved. Definite ick factor there. When he took down a ship, his tentacles were HUGE and the suction cups moved open and closed. It was totally gross. I just don't understand the appeal of these movies at all.

Brittanie and I also watched "John Tucker Must Die." The story was a combination of a bunch of teen movies but funnier. It was PG13 and proof that a movie can be funny without profanity. Brittanie and I both loved it.

The last movie review is on Disney's "Cars." Brittanie took Katie to see this in theatres and when it came out on DVD, we bought it. She LOVES it and even Brittanie and I like it. The animation is great as is the story. Unfortunately it does have one drawback. Katie is now a fan of racing. EEEK! Tom and I both hate racing. But now that Katie is such a "Cars" fanatic, she gets excited when she sees racing on TV and is asking for a racetrack for Christmas. She watches that movie at least twice a least! I highly recommend it for parents looking for a good movie for their little ones for Christmas. For Christian parents who want a closer look at this movie before buying, read the review on That's the website we go to before buying movies for Katie.

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