Sunday, December 17, 2006


Tonight a girl I went to school with and her husband were on an HGTV show called "Hauling Houses." They were moving a house to their property in Krotz wonderful hometown. We were getting a kick out of all the accents. That's when I remembered that I forgot to blog the story about Tom's accent when he got home from Ireland.

The night after he got home, he was telling Katie she needed a bath because she was "filthy dirty" and he said it with such a thick Irish accent that we all started laughing. He denied saying it with an accent but Brittanie and Katie heard it too. Ever since then I have been giving him a hard time with it. He cleaned out my van today and was griping because it was a mess. I said "Dun'tcha' mean it was filthy dirty lad?" in a very thick fake Irish accent. He told me to shut up. But of course I can't. It is just too fun giving him a hard time.

By the way, if anyone wants to see this episode, it will be coming on again January 28th and 29th. Here is the website to this particular episode. HGTV

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